Fin Tech

Gain a competitive edge with Mirium's Fintech Consulting Services.

Government agencies at all levels, from federal to city, require reliable software to function effectively in the modern digital age. Mirium specializes in delivering custom software and IT solutions tailored to the unique requirements of government entities. From facilitating public data sharing and staff management to citizen collaboration, budgeting, reporting, and distributing government publications, we offer comprehensive solutions to streamline government operations. Whatever your specific government software needs, Mirium is here to ensure successful execution and seamless functioning.

Our Fintech Software Solutions

Custom Application Development

Let us assist you in creating stunning fintech apps that will impress your customers. Our expertise extends to fintech companies serving various industries, including loan origination, debt collection, online banking, mobile banking, investment management, personal finance, mortgage lending, and more. Partnering with us allows you to develop user-friendly fintech applications with various capabilities, such as automated payments. Already have a fintech product? Not an issue! We can help enhance it, whether you want to build upon existing software or start anew from scratch. The choice is yours.

Cloud Solutions

Ensuring the security and compliance of your cloud-based platform is vital to safeguard personal data. With Mirium's cloud services, we prioritize protecting your environment, implementing robust security measures, and developing comprehensive disaster planning and recovery strategies to minimize downtime.

Technology Stack Audits

In the fintech industry, a strong technology stack is the foundation of your business. From internal communication tools like Microsoft Teams to customer management systems (CMSs) like HubSpot and email marketing software like Mailchimp, software plays a vital role in your operations. With Miriums fintech software solutions, we assist in identifying and eliminating bottlenecks in your tech stack, reducing business downtime. Our expertise allows us to pinpoint areas of friction that may be slowing your business down, enabling you to address and fix them effectively.

Software Implementation

Upon developing your custom fintech app, we provide full assistance in implementing and integrating it seamlessly into your existing business infrastructure, including any third-party tools you might be using. This ensures a smooth adoption of the new fintech software for your business.

UX Design and Strategy

A successful fintech app relies on a well-designed user experience (UX) to enhance navigation and boost user engagement. Eliminating friction in the design is crucial, but identifying issues can be challenging. Partnering with an external party like us enables you to gain valuable insights into areas that need improvement. We provide heat mapping, advanced analytics, and competitor research tools to help regularly enhance your UX design.

System Security Audits

Safeguarding other people's finances demands a robust cybersecurity strategy. At Mirium, we prioritize the security of your fintech software through regular system security audits, including penetration tests to detect and address vulnerabilities. Our comprehensive process covers planning, scanning, gaining and maintaining access, and analyzing results. Additionally, we provide real-time IT security monitoring, ensuring your peace of mind throughout the process.

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